Tuesday, October 4, 2011

LinkedIn Could Get Some Love From Obama Jobs Plan!

President Obama’s ambitious $447 billion Jobs Act is a significant opportunity for LinkedIn to capitalize on the increased hiring expected by small businesses in the U.S. 

With Obama’s town hall meeting hosted by LinkedIn itself,  the professional networking site benefits from even greater visibility after its much-hyped IPO earlier this year. The big question is however whether or not LinkedIn manages to work as efficiently for small businesses as it does for its large and well-known corporate clients as this is the real key to job growth and the underlying message Obama was promoting.
The Upside: Greater Visibility and Increased Users
With LinkedIn being chosen as the host for Obama’s town hall meeting this past Monday, the company benefited from greater visibility and an implied endorsement from the White House as a job creator and innovator given its focus on professional networking.
Additionally, despite the U.S. unemployment rate in the +9% range, [3] there are still around 3.2 million available jobs in the country. [4] This presents a big opportunity for LinkedIn to bridge this employment gap.
Given Obama’s pressing need to improve the economic sentiment in the U.S., much of which relies on employment growth, it would not be a surprise if LinkedIn gets further endorsement from large and small businesses presenting a clear upside to its user base which is already 120-million strong.

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